Siapakah Roger Barnett??

Assalam.. In Shaa Allah harini 20 Ramadhan 1434H... sekejap jer masa berlalu... tak lama lagi dah nak raya... ok arini nak citer skit pasal Roger Barnett.. Siapa dia? dia ni CEO SHAKLEE... kenapa nak story pasal dia lak ek?? haaa.. nak citer sebelum jadi CEO SHAKLEE ade kejadian yg menyebabkan dia memilih SHAKLEE dalam hidup dia sekarang.. Jom baca!! Credit: pak cik google "..For years, the Barnett family lived like most Americans. Then, in 2004, they got an unexpected wake-up call that changed the way they clean their home and treat the environment. Sloan and Roger say they began to notice their son Spencer’s health problems when he was just 3 years old. At first, Sloan says her son coughed continuously. One day his heart was racing, so she rushed him to the emergency room. “I don’t think we knew whether we were going to lose him or not,” Roger says. “They told us that he had a respiratory issue. They thought he might be developing asthma.” Sloan says she ...